Advanced Eye Imaging to Detect Common Eye Diseases
There are some common eye diseases that can be detected during an annual eye exam. Some of these diseases may affect one’s vision and cause symptoms, and some of them may not affect vision and therefore not cause any symptoms leaving the patient completely unaware that they have an eye disease that may be progressing.
Optomap: The Optomap produces a wide field image of the surface of the retina, optic nerve, blood vessels and choroid. We look for glaucoma, macular degeneration, retinal tears, retinal detachments, tumors, bleeding from the blood vessels from diseases such as diabetes etc.
OCT: is an ultrasound like device that uses light. It splits up the retina and macular into a cross-section of its 10 layers so subtle problems presenting themselves in any of its layers below the surface that may easily be missed by the Optomap or by the doctor’s view, can easily be detected by the OCT image. It can help in the diagnosis of common eye diseases such as diabetic macular edema, wet macular degeneration, glaucoma, and epiretinal.
Having the equipment at our disposal and using them to screen every patient during their annual eye exam, has enabled us to confidently say their eyes are healthy and normal.